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Hunger Hunger  -  Lions volunteer to collect surplus food from various outlets to supply the food banks and the vulnerable. We provide meals to schools and the homeless.

Cancer Childhood Cancer - Supporting children with Cancer and their families. We have provided "Lions Den" in hospitals where there are no facilities for family to stay with patients.

Vision Vision – Vision has been a priority for Lions for nearly hundred years. We work to improve eye health and care for hundreds of millions of visually impaired people every year. 

Diabetes Diabetes - Lions promote wellbeing: Promoting awareness of Diabetes and measures to prevent and mitigate it. We have stands at local events / Fairs to promote.

Env Env – We care for our Environment with a number of environmental programs, such as recycling unwanted spectacles, tree planting and litter picking. Ensuring that local communities are healthy and sustainable.


Youth programmes

We empower the next generation with our youth programmes. Lions Clubs support local sporting events, recognise young people for their inspirational accomplishments, help develop leadership skills, and develop vital Life skills educational resources.

Humanitarian needs

Lions Clubs International Foundation grants funds to aid humanitarian efforts that transform lives of people locally and around the world. In particular initiatives have helped over 30 million people to avoid serious vision loss. Named the world's leading non-governmental organisation with which to partner by a Financial Times independent survey, Lions can be found helping wherever there is an environmental or humanitarian disaster.

Supporting others

We work with local authorities, health service providers, community groups, and many other organisations to help identify and support those who will benefit from the assistance of Lions Clubs. We are proud to support disability games, create life-enhancing memorable moments, help those facing financial difficulties and participate in community celebrations in different cultures.

Health initiatives

An extensive range of health-oriented initiatives are supported by Lions Clubs locally, nationally and internationally. In particular we support efforts to control and prevent diabetes, help the emergency services with Message in a Bottle, support blood cancer research and recycle used spectacles.

Partner projects

Lions Clubs are proud to be chosen as a partner by small, local organisations as well as major national and international companies, charities and humanitarian bodies. We help with fund-raising campaigns and logistical support to achieve things that would not happen without our help.

Community activities

Lions apply talent, know-how and skills to support activities at the heart of local communities. We are creative, imaginative, resourceful and reliable. We get involved with community sports, fun-filled events, traditional fund-raising activities, carnivals, parades and all manner of seasonal initiatives.